
季廷恩 音樂博士、古典吉他演奏家


大學時期跟著美國古典吉他大師-克里斯多福.帕肯寧(Christopher Parkening)學琴,大學畢業之後來到台灣, 跟著方銘健教授攻讀碩士及博士;論文寫關於台灣吉他詩人呂昭炫。 


Dean McDaniel Keith is a California born guitarist residing in Taiwan since 2011. As a child, he got his first guitar one Christmas morning and promptly broke into tears. After an infatuation with heavy metal in high school, he came back to the instrument. 

After studies under Maestro  Christopher Parkening, he made his way to Taiwan. In Taiwan he completed both his Master’s and Doctorate under Professor Fang Ming-Jian. On his Lester DeVoe guitar he performs works from the Renaissance to modern flamenco and composers throughout the years. Whether Bach or the Beatles, he’ll find something for you to love in his music.